Ayiiia Elizarraras

Ayiiia was awarded realworldcasting.com. Her place on the competition was made possible by her devoted family members. They worked hard alongside Ayiiia to help her win. Even though Ayiiia is from Mexican descent and speaks fluent Spanish it's her first time traveling for extended periods in Mexico. She talks about her thoughts. Some of the time she does so by displaying aggression that can make her adversaries. Then she realizes the life within The Real World house is far more challenging than she imagined. Ayiiia has a past of drug abuse and cutting. The girl is now a party girl who's reformed. Ayiiia, who claims that she does not judge, and will stand by her beloved people, can be a bit bitter. Ayiiia has a committed relationship with one woman. In the years prior to her reunion, she stayed within San Diego with her mother and looked for an apartment that was her own. In the reunion that she and Jonna were not together due to difficulties they encountered while filming.

 Ayiiia Elizarraras  Ayiiia r  e Elizarraras  Ayiiia  s  Aviv Buchler  Aviv  v


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